The Fund Governance Boardroom Panel (the “Panel”) provides independent experienced directors to investment funds and investment management companies. All Panel directors are available to act as independent non-executive directors for both onshore and offshore Funds.
All Panel Directors are independent of any investment manager, service provider or law firm. We do not believe that a director is independent if the director or their firm receive remuneration for other services provided to the Fund. Any potential conflicts of interest that might compromise independence are identified and eliminated.
It is not uncommon for investors to undertake due diligence on the Fund board. Panel Directors are experienced professionals with extensive industry knowledge and are open to any due diligence. They fully understand the needs of investors and fund managers, thereby ensuring that they can contribute and add significant value to the governance of the investment vehicle.
Commitment to Governance
There is a marked increased focus on effective governance within the Funds industry. Investors are demanding more transparency and an independent board of directors which is objective and fully focused on protecting investor interests. Directors must have relevant industry experience with a clear understanding of the unique features of the Funds which they represent.
Limited Number of Directorships
Panel Directors limit the number of client relationships to ensure that each Director can devote appropriate and adequate time to undertake their role. By limiting the number of relationships, Directors can ensure that they have the capacity to fully address in a timely manner any issues that may arise.
There are unique features to investment funds which require an independent fund director to have significant experience and knowledge of the investment funds sector. Investment funds are typically fund promoter products, are regulated and operated on an outsourced model. The objective of fund governance is the protection of investors’ interests and it is imperative that transparency, objectivity and accountability are to the fore. Independence is critical to effective Fund governance.